Baroness von sketch uncensored nudity series#
Plus, throughout the entire season, Baroness von Sketch Show latches onto the understandable anxiety of parties and group gathering-to the point of discussing a hypothetical party in a terrible Good Will Hunting-inspired* sketch-which is natural fodder for the series that now also features an added layer of understandable anxiety thanks to current events. It’s definitely not the intent of the sketch to invoke the latter, but seeing it now in 2020 certainly inspires that added layer of dread… in a funny way! There’s also the series finale-opening sketch, set at what seems to be a 2021 New Year’s Eve party, which ultimately pings onto something that one can only imagine the Baroness von Sketch Show stars and writers never expected to ping onto, simply because the sketch comes from the (actually expected) place of 2020 being a terrible year.

For example, there’s a sketch set at an all-you-can-eat buffet that simultaneously creates an unintended longing for such a mundane experience and a reminder that buffets are hotbeds for the spread of disease. But even with that in mind, there are certain sketches that just kind of hit differently as they air in these quarantimes. Filmed last fall, this season of Baroness von Sketch Show-which, in case you missed it, is still starring, created by, and written by Canadian sketch comedy quartet Carolyn Taylor, Meredith MacNeill, Aurora Browne, and Jennifer Whalen (who also serves as showrunner)-obviously exists in a glorious, pre-pandemic world. Naturally, that relatability remains in this final season, even with the major change in the landscape of the world.

As I wrote in my review of Baroness von Sketch Show’s fourth season: “Because, despite the aspects of the series that make it very specific and come from a very underappreciated perspective and demographic (again, in addition to the Canada of it all), it still is able to cover a large amount of the feminine perspective, regardless of race, ethnicity, and/or age.” One could even say that the series remains unflinchingly and quintessentially Canadian-especially when it comes to the accents and certain turns of phrase-which has always been a part of its charm, while still remaining comedically accessible to American audiences.

As Baroness von Sketch Show returns to IFC for its eight-episode (all of which were available to review) fifth and final season, it should come as no surprise that it ends the way it began: as consistent and pleasant (even in the face of unpleasant topics) as ever.